Every day offers us opportunities to make a difference. Chances to share encouragement with a loved one, remind a friend of the special gifts inside of them, or inspire a stranger to smile even brighter. Little acts of kindness can ripple out and create waves beyond what we will ever see. And they start with the simple choice to bring positivity to the spaces we move through each and every day.
Sharing messages of hope and inspiration is more important than ever, and ThoughtFulls are the perfect place to begin! Each themed box holds 30 uplifting sentiments, tucked inside little pop-open cards. Just like a fortune cookie, every hidden message offers its own unexpected delight.
There are tons of ways to use ThoughtFulls to make an impact. Here are just a few ideas:
Hide around your neighborhood
Bring a handful of cards with you on a walk and put them in fun places for others to find: under windshield wipers, in mailboxes, or in Little Free Library boxes. With themes like Shine and Smile, you’re bound to brighten the day of anyone who discovers a card waiting just for them!
Tuck into a handwritten note
As we’re all experiencing more social isolation, a thinking-of-you card can go a long way to create meaningful moments of connection with loved ones. Send notes to family and friends and add a You’re Awesome ThoughtFull for pocket-sized encouragement they can pin up wherever they need it.
Thank a hometown hero
Hand a Thank You ThoughtFull to the cashier at the grocery store or leave one for your postal worker in your mailbox. From healthcare workers to delivery truck drivers, there are many people deserving of our heartfelt gratitude.
Share a high five with a child
This school year is particularly unique, and with many kids adjusting to virtual learning, celebrating accomplishments is a great way to offer support. ThoughtFulls for Kids share encouraging words to add a smile to the school day. Offer You Can Do It before a big test, You’re Amazing for finishing a challenging assignment, or a simple I Love You card with their lunch.
Join a letter-writing campaign
There are some great ways to volunteer for meaningful causes through letter writing right now, from thanking our troops to uplifting the spirits of seniors. Give your letter a finishing touch with the sentiments of You Matter ThoughtFulls, and remind someone they add something special to the world simply by being in it.
Every decision to share goodness with those around you makes the world a more compassionate and beautiful place for all of us. Explore our ThoughtFulls themes for the people in your life here.