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October 27, 2022


Artist Spotlight: Meet Mali Fischer

The pages of a journal can be an invitation to connect to your personal passions. Through vibrant designs and curated quotes, our best-selling Write Now Journals each feature a unique theme, illustrated by a contemporary artist, to give you a place to celebrate who you are. In our new Write Now Journal “There is always hope…,” artist Mali Fischer creates alluring nature scenes to recognize resilience and help journalers honor their inner strength.

We asked Mali to share more of the inspiration behind her work.

Mali, the quotes in this journal are an ode to hope. How did you decide what types of illustrations would bring the theme to life?

When considering this project, there was no question for me that I would look toward nature for inspiration, as it's the first thing that comes to mind when I reflect on examples of resiliency, strength, and hope. Any time I'm feeling lost or hopeless, I surround myself with nature to be reminded that I'm part of something much bigger and more powerful. I find it immensely comforting to know that, even though life can feel unpredictable, nature will still move according to its cycle. I can rely on plants to shoot up from the ground in spring and go back to sleep when winter comes. Rivers will flow, and mountains will always be in the same place on the horizon.

Can you share more about the scenes you chose to depict?

For this project, I researched plants that have particularly resilient or hopeful qualities. For example, in the artwork you’ll see sunflowers, which possess the ability to turn their heads to face the sun and fireweed, which grows best in ground that was recently disturbed or burned.

What mediums did you use?

I sketched the original concepts by hand and created the final pieces digitally, using my iPad, Procreate® App, and my Apple Pencil. I've found that these tools offer the best balance between flexibility, beautiful results, and the ability to capture some of the immediacy of hand drawing.

How did you connect to the journal’s theme personally?

It was interesting to make these drawings at a time when the world felt very uncertain! It ended up being therapeutic for me. I got to spend time meditating on these really inspiring words and considering the people who said them. I also spent time learning about plants and flowers and went to nature to find ideas which helped me connect to the illustrations I was making and find my own hope in that action.


Discover this journal and our full line of best-selling Write Now Journals here.

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