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July 06, 2022


10 Creative Ways to Boost a Kid’s Confidence

Helping a child discover their confidence is one of the greatest lessons a caring adult can give. Beyond big smiles, healthy self-esteem also fuels a little one’s social and emotional development. Kids who feel good about themselves often do better in school, feel more comfortable building relationships, and are more willing to try new things. So every time we can remind a child just how incredible they are, it can have wonderful and lasting effects.

Our ThoughtFulls for Kids pop-open cards are filled with creative ways to support a child’s sense of self-worth. Inside each box are 30 cards with hidden messages tucked behind a pop-open window. Opening one is like joyfully breaking a fortune cookie and finding words waiting just for you! With sweet and playful sentiments like “You’re as dazzling as a shooting star,” “You’re a rooting-tooting, walking-talking wonder,” and “You’re more brilliant than a million fireflies,” these cards hold heartwarming opportunities to support a child every step of the way.

Whether you’re looking to add good feelings to a child’s school day or cheer them on during their favorite extracurricular activity, here are some ideas for using ThoughtFulls for Kids as heartfelt high fives to add a little extra pep in their step:

  1. Slip under a bedroom door to inspire a smile at the start of the day
  2. Stick on a bathroom mirror to infuse delight into their daily routine
  3. Place on a breakfast plate to encourage positive self-talk
  4. Hide in a backpack to build self-esteem before a big test
  5. Use as a lunch box note to offer a midday surprise
  6. Add to a sports bag to offer your support before a game or meet
  7. Give to recognize a hard-earned accomplishment or celebrate the courage it takes to embrace a new challenge
  8. Leave on the counter next to an after-school snack for an afternoon affirmation
  9. Put on a desk or workspace to cheer them on during homework time
  10. Place on a pillow before bedtime to remind a child they are deeply loved

We hope these ideas help you nurture the big ideas and bright futures of a child in your life. Discover all of our ThoughtFulls for Kids themes here.

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